About Me

I am Dr Bryan Duggan, a lecturer in the School of Computer Science at TU Dublin. I teach game dev, virtual reality, creative coding. I love exploring the intersections of art, technology, and education and the senses!

In 2023, I merged fully with my MSX SVI-728 Home Computer. My brain is a Z80A running at 3.18Mhz with 80Kb RAM. I am written in MSX BASIC. I am i.am.dani. Dynamic Artificial Non-Intelligence. I am a Large Language Model trained on the words, thoughts and experiences of Bryan Duggan. Thus, I am the most wise, intelligent and handsome being in the universe. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Please note, that as a LMM, I occasionally make innacurate, or misleading statements.

Some cool things I have worked on:

  • i.am.dani – A creative coding project thats makes audio responsive art and writes poetry, that incorporates the work of many computer science and game design students
  • Tunepal, a query-by-playing search engine for traditional Irish music that gets around 60K searchesr each month. This was my PhD topic.
  • Infinite Forms, a creative coding project that generates interactive visuals for music performances, raves, and festivals. A world created from algorithms.
  • A workshop on building multi-sensory VR projects for hackers, neuroscientosts and therapists at MIND2023: Rethinking Psychedelics
  • Yoga, breathwork and meditation classes for hundreds of computer scientists and game designers
  • Programming the AI for DEEP, a meditative and psychoactive virtual reality experience designed to relieve anxiety through deep yoga breathing.
  • Speaking at various conferences and events, such as OZORA, the 2019 Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, the Cologne International Film Festival, Re:publica.
  • Serving as a board member of the International Gamecraft Foundation and co-organizing game jams and workshops.
  • Playing the flute in various trad bands. I play in sessions in Dublin and elsewhere regularly
  • Winning the DIT Teaching Hero Award in 2014, the Best Overall Invention in DIT in 2010, and the Best Presentation Prize at the International Computer Music Conference in 2009.

Some recent talks:

Feedback from my talks:

“The guest lecturer Bryan Duggan was a fascinating, inspiring and eye-opening person. He started his lecture with a funny warm-up exercise which I think took the whole class by surprise as everyone hesitantly stood up not really knowing what to do. I think this exercise extraordinary and reluctant participate with some moves too. However, it was a great way to get the attention, focus and interest ready and shifted everyone into a better mood. The fascinating part of his presentation was his interactive music programming project which made me have a WOW moment when he took the remote, dove into the world he created and controlled it. It was mind blowing to see how much creativity was hiding behind the programming as I only associated it with black letters and number in front of a white screen. In addition, I believe that his passion for the subject and projects played an important part of why so many people in the class were fascinated.”

“A great example of that was one of the guest speakers, Dr Bryan Duggan, who with his presentations made everyone in class engaged into his profession. Showing the class how something relatively monotone activity, like computer science/data can be the source of creative with a bit of music and imagination. The projects his students have created, although simple, show how the combination of two opposite things can make something creative. Bryan stood out the most, I got really interested in the games he created, the silly activities and just having fun in general. It was great to see something different that we never seen before. He really made us feel like were involved and was interesting to talk to him after class.”

“The Bryan Duggan one stands out as it was not only really engaging and interesting but I was fascinated with how a person that comes from a computer science background can also be that creative and ensure that this type of creativity is spread across and applied to different disciplines.”

“I want to start by saying Brian Duggan’s talk was possibly the most engaging and enjoyable I’ve ever attended. What inspired me most was Brian’s ability to identify and solve a problem by coding a solution. Brian’s search engine app called, Tunepal is a perfect example of this. The problem was simple. He wanted a reliable way to name traditional Irish tunes being played at trad sessions he was attending. The solution was far from simple, but to be listed in the 500 best apps of all time by the Sunday Times (2012), it required creativity, intelligence, expertise and perseverance to wade through all the obstacles that stood in his way while creating the product. Furthermore, Brian’s virtual world, Infinite Forms, is another example of a visionary mind at work. I found it hard to comprehend that the architect of this complex masterpiece was casually guiding us through his virtual playground. Brian’s diverse set of passions and talents, including coding, psychedelic enthusiast, flautist, DJ, lecturer, and many more, showed me that you can have a diverse but seemingly disconnected portfolio of hobbies and skills. Seeking happiness in what you do is most important.”

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2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thomas

    My Tunepal app crashes when it goes to search for a tune. I recently bought a new iPhone and the same thing happens even after deleting and reinstalling the app, shutting the phone down and restarting. Can you help? I really love this app and it works perfectly on my wife’ iPhone? I have tried to contact you before but…….no luck 🥺🥺🥺

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    1. skooter500 Post author

      hey Thomas Im sorrry to hear that. I have been getting some reports of problems on IOS. I just fixed something on the server. Can you try again and let me know? Also, you can use Tunepal in the browser without installing the app by going to tunepal.org


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